Safeguarding Policy

Wahana Visi Indonesia commits to the welfare and protection of the privacy, security, and dignity of children and adults in WVI programming presence. Wahana Visi Indonesia invites all people, both staff and all affiliates of Wahana Visi Indonesia, to protect the children and adults whom we serve together.

“Wahana Visi Indonesia invites all parties to create a friendly and safe environment for children through the Safeguarding Policy”

  • 1. Safeguarding Policies and Responsibilities

    Relevant WVI Employees, Interns, Volunteers, Board and other affiliated people: WVI equips all employees, interns, volunteers, and Board members to understand and perform their safeguarding responsibilities and obligations. WVI also applies appropriate standards to external parties, including visitors, community volunteers, contractors, partners, and others affiliated with partners or contractors, to address safeguarding risks relating to their engagement with WVI’s work. Hereafter, the full range of people for whom all or some of this Policy are relevant (either directly or through contractual arrangements) will be referred to as ‘WVI employees and/or affiliates’.

  • 2. Behaviour Protocols

    WVI employees and affiliates behave in ways that  safeguard all children everywhere and adults living where WVI has a programming presence, prevent sexual exploitation and abuse, and prevent any other intentional or unintentional harm to the people WVI serves or works amongst.

  • 3. Recruitment

    WVI implements a Safeguarding Policy, starting from the staff recruitment process by including specific requirements regarding violence in staff recruitment. Each staff will go through a screening process and need to sign and comply with the Safeguarding Policy, in an effort to protect the children and adults we assist.

  • 4. Visit to WVI projects

    This policy applies to visitors including sponsors, donors, volunteers, Support Offices, delegates such as bloggers, public figures, and journalists. All visitors will go through a police background check process by making a commitment and signing a behavioral protocol. This policy must be complied with by everyone who visits the WVI-assisted areas.

  • 5. Communications, Content, and Marketing

    Everyone is obliged to ensure the safety and dignity of children & adults in every communication, including on social media. This standard regulates what can be uploaded on social media and what we can do in this digital age to protect children and adults in the areas where WVI operates.

  • 6. Safeguarding Incidents and Response Protocols

    Any violation of safeguarding policies by WVI staff, affiliates, or humanitarian workers from other institutions must be reported. At WVI, failure to report incidents of policy violations can result in discipline and termination of employment. Community-based feedback mechanisms should also be in place, in all service areas that are easily accessible, gender-sensitive, and confidential.

  • 7. Programming Considerations for Safeguarding

    WVI ensures that its programs do not harm/impact/risk children or adults, consider gender issues to build capacity/positive impact, and ensure that there is a mechanism for submitting complaints & feedback. 

  • 8. Sponsorship

    In the sponsorship program, WVI places the safety and security of children as the top priority. We work together to ensure the safety of children's data & its confidentiality

  • 9. Safe Child Participation

    Ensuring the best interests of children is a top priority for every child, including when collecting data from children and when children participate in WVI activities/programs. WVI also ensures that children are safe in their involvement in every WVI program.

  • 10. Safeguarding Governance by Governing and Supervisory Board

    The Governing and Supervisory Board is involved in the child and adult protection process by monitoring the implementation of the protection system and overseeing the risks and mitigation measures in place.


    If you encounter a case of violence involving children and the communities supported by WVI, WVI staff, or its affiliates, you can report it through the WVI Call Center at 021 300 50 984 or via