When Children Learn from Advocacy

Everyone can speak up about ideas, input, and solutions, including children. Through the existence of child's forums in assisted areas, Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) teaches children to be brave do that action in their daily lives. WVI calls it an advocacy action. In practice, advocacy actions need to be continuously evaluated to get more benefits.
WVI feels the need to continue to study the impact of advocacy in child's forums. Through the event of Learning of Advocacy in Child's Forum, WVI invites children's forum members in seven WVI's assisted areas to share their experiences and lessons learned in conducting advocacy. They also share issues that occur in their area, experience in conducting advocacy, and provide input related to tips for effective advocacy to policymakers at the village, national, and world levels.
Roslinda, a child representative of WVI in the East Sumba area said facts and data are the main things that need to be conveyed when they want to advocate the government.
"So, the government can trust and be able to review policies properly," Roslinda explained.
Livia, a child from North Halmahera also added, “Convince the government that our presence as a children's forum has a good impact on children so that the government can consider our presence helpful. In addition, when delivering advocacy, it is usually to the point and wide, knowing what you want to convey.”
Not only Roslinda and Livia but there was also Yohanes from West Kalimantan who said his aspirations. He explained that 20 percent of village funds should also be allocated for children's activities.
"The village government can provide internet packages so that children can take part in online learning activities, be it school activities or association activities such as children's forums," he said.
The event, which was held last week, is expected to hone children's skills to conduct effective advocacy and become good knowledge capital for children's future.
Written by: Gracia Thomas, Volunteer Engagement Wahana Visi Indonesia