Woman whose mother died in the Boxing Day tsunami reveals she's 'grateful' never to have found her body after 'trauma' of seeing mutilated corpses scattered across her town

Woman whose mother died in the Boxing Day tsunami reveals she's 'grateful' never to have found her body after 'trauma' of seeing mutilated corpses scattered across her town

Daily Mail, UK - On December 26, 2004, Khairani had just moved to the city of Banda Aceh. However, for Khairani, from Indonesia, the date holds significance for a different and tragic reason; the anniversary of the last day she saw her mother alive.

2 Bulan Erupsi Gunung Lewotobi Laki-Laki, Ini Sederet Bantuan dan Pendampingan yang Didapat Pengungsi

2 Bulan Erupsi Gunung Lewotobi Laki-Laki, Ini Sederet Bantuan dan Pendampingan yang Didapat Pengungsi

Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Guna mendampingi para warga, tim respons bencana Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) telah berada di Flores Timur, NTT selama dua bulan untuk memberi dukungan kepada anak-anak dan masyarakat terdampak.

Erupsi Gunung Lewotobi, WVI Respons Cepat Bantu Puluhan Ribu Korban Bencana

Erupsi Gunung Lewotobi, WVI Respons Cepat Bantu Puluhan Ribu Korban Bencana

Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Wahana Visi Indonesia (WVI) bergerak cepat menanggapi bencana erupsi Gunung Lewotobi yang melanda Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, pada Minggu, 3 November 2024, pukul 23:57 WITA. WVI menurunkan tim tanggap darurat.